What does «masurio» mean in Spanish?
- An old-fashioned name for technetium, a radioactive chemical element (Tc) of atomic number 43, isolated among the industrial waste products of uranium fission. It is a metal of the manganese group. One of its isotopes is used for tumor diagnosis. It was discovered in 1925 by the Germans Walter Noddack, Ida Tacke and Otto Berg by spectral analysis (although not recognized because no other scientist was able to reproduce their experiment), but it was not confirmed until 1937 when Perrier, Segre and Cacciapuoti succeeded in isolating its isotope, technetium.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Noddack afirmó haber vislumbrado el elemento 43 como parte de una reacción nuclear y lo llamó masurio, por los lagos de Masuria".
"aseguraban también haber aislado el elemento 43 (masurio, como le llamaron) pero sus resultados no fueron reproducible".