What does «marrana» mean in Spanish?
- Female pig.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la marrana tuvo su primera camada de cuatro cerditos".
- Large tank containing liquefied gas.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en mi casa de campo tengo una marrana porque no llega el gas por red".
- Dirty, unwashed and indecent woman.
- It was applied to the Jewish convert who continued to practice her religion hiddenly or did not recognize it. It was used in the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula between the 15th and 19th centuries. Marrano for men.
- Wheel axis of the Ferris wheel.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se ha roto la marrana".
- (vete a ver si ya puso la marrana) A colloquial expression that invites someone to leave because they should not be in that place or hear the things that are being said.
- (joder la marrana / se jodió la marrana) Expression that refers to something that bothers, annoys or frustrates, or that has broken down. It comes from the breakage of the axle (marrana) of the wheel of the waterwheels.
Examples of use in Spanish: "estábamos muy pacíficos y ya llega este a jodernos la marrana".