What does «instante» mean in Spanish?
- Very short fraction of time.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el correo electrónico seguramente llegará en un instante".
"en un instante te atiendo, dame un segundito".
- The precise moment at which an event occurs.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el accidente ocurrió justo en el instante que miré hacia otro lado".
- One second of time.
- Phylos. The ultimate element in which the duration of entities is ideally resolved. It is to time what the point is to space.
- Urging, insisting on a request or urging the prompt execution of something; begging, insistent, pleading.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la instante ya entregó todos los papeles que se le han pedido, por lo que ruego se proceda con urgencia a resolver esto sin tanta burocracia".
- (por un instante) It indicates that in a passing way one has the certainty of what is expressed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "por un instante creí que la vi entre la multitud".
- (a cada instante) Frequent, repeated or continuous.
Examples of use in Spanish: "habla de ti a cada instante".
"esta niña llora a cada instante".
- (en este -mismo- instante) At this moment, now.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en este instante estaba pensando en ella".
- (en un instante) Hurry, quickly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en un instante me cambio y estoy lista".