What does «inquisidor» mean in Spanish?

  • Inquisitive, inquiring. One who inquires, ascertains, or carefully examines something.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Aleja tu dedo inquisidor de mí, yo no tengo la culpa".

    "existen familias con un estilo de educación muy inquisidor, demasiado vigilante y súper protectoras".

    "Un periodista realmente inquisidor debe prepararse antes de la tomar contacto con un entrevistado polémico".

  • Judge of the Inquisition. An inquisitor was a priest with additional legal training who was appointed to one of the three courts of the Inquisition. The Inquisition was a court created in 1184 by the bull of Pope Lucius III Ad abolendam to eliminate religious heresy, ideological heterodoxy and other matters rejected by the Catholic Church. There were three types of inquisitors:

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Torquemada es a quien mejor se le identifica como el inquisidor inflexible, fanático, cuyo único fin era cazar herejes y condenarlos a la hoguera y otros castigo".
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