What does «inconducente» mean in Spanish?
- Not conducive to a particular end or purpose. Improper, inadequate.
Examples of use in Spanish: "no comprendo por qué defiendes esta estrategia, es inconducente bajo todo aspecto de vista".
"Cómo se lo reemplaza es una pregunta inconducente, ese jugador no tiene reemplazo, ¡es excepcional!".
"ese método de protesta es inconducente, nunca lleva a nada bueno".
"estoy cansado de la burocracia inconducente".
- In evidentiary matters, evidence that is not apt to prove the event to be proved. Also called useless evidence. It is that which can be reasonably conjectured that it will not achieve the desired result, since there is an inadequacy of means to end. For example, it is intended to prove the sale of a real estate property by means of a private document, in this case it can be alleged that such document is not legally suitable since the law requires to celebrate it by means of a public deed, therefore it is an inconductive evidence.