10 sentences with 'conducive'

Example sentences and phrases with the word conducive and other words derived from it.

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« Proper lighting is conducive to efficient study sessions. »
« A balanced diet is conducive to maintaining overall health. »
« Fresh air in classrooms is conducive to better concentration. »
« Calm music created a conducive atmosphere for creative writing. »
« Team collaboration remains conducive when honesty guides every interaction. »
« Parents can help their children find a conducive activity by presenting them with many alternatives. »
« How do humans learn, and how could government be designed to ensure the most conducive environment for learning and prosperity? »
« Once an atmosphere conducive to reflection has been created, the second step is to prepare children to use the following methods of critical thinking: »
« However, few areas are as conducive as sleep to admiring the workings of the brain and its allies. So much so that everything to do with sleep is still taboo today: few would admit to being watched while they sleep. »
« In this way, we will discover that some people need a more supportive attitude from others in order to be able to commit themselves to the group; some need limits in order not to overpower their peers, and we all need space to get to know each other more and better. The school is a very conducive environment for these processes to take place. »

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