What does «incidental» mean in Spanish?
- Occurring during the course of something and not an essential part of it, although related. In other words, said of an event that has an unexpected impact on the course of a matter.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la avería del aire acondicionado del automóvil fue incidental, por suerte el tiempo no estuvo caluroso durante el viaje".
- Of little or minor importance, accessory.
- (música incidental) That music that accompanies a movie, television program, video game, radio or theater play, where the music is not the main part of it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "ha compuesto música incidental para danza, teatro y cine".
- (pesca incidental) Capture of non-target fish species. In the best case, the catch is returned to the sea.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la pesca incidental puede afectar mucho la biodiversidad".
"durante la pesca de camarón se produce la pesca incidental de muchas otras especies como rayas, lenguados y moluscos".