What does «heteróclito» mean in Spanish?
- Inharmonious, heterogeneous. Not conforming to any pattern in nature or behavior.
- Composed of very distinct parts or elements; irregular, bizarre.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tiene opiniones heteróclitas y confusas".
"El público de este negocio es heteróclito. Hay estudiantes, madres y solteras".
"Un espectacular y heteróclito grupo de 50 mandatarios extranjeros, desde el primer ministro israelí al presidente palestino, pasando por los cancilleres ruso y ucraniano, entre otros".
- In Grammar, that does not conform to the common rule or that departs from the regular. Having an irregular paradigm of conjugation or declension. In Spanish, the verbs "ser" and "ir" are heteroclite. For the verb "ser" in the first person singular we have the present, past and future forms: soy / fui / seré (where two roots appear: *-s- and fu-). For the verb "ir" we have voy / fui / iré (where three roots appear: *v-, fu- and ir-).
Examples of use in Spanish: "verbo heteróclito".
- In Grammar, specifically, said of a word, that in its reflection it adopts forms derived from more than one root. It is applied to a word or locution that does not follow the ordinary rules of morphology.
- In Grammar, relating to heteroclysis: the presence of two or more inflectional classes in the inflectional paradigm of a noun, verb, etc.