What does «fraternalmente» mean in Spanish?
- With fraternity, with one and good correspondence between brothers or between those who treat each other as such.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se saludarnos fraternalmente, como hermanos".
"los seres humanos debemos comportarnos fraternalmente los unos con los otros".
"la sencilla tarea de tratarnos fraternalmente entre todos los que habitan esta tierra".
"fuimos recibidos fraternalmente por un hombre que vivía solo en la cabaña".
"abrazados fraternalmente".
"¿Alguna vez lograremos un país fraternalmente unido?".
- Formula with which one ends or says goodbye in a letter in an affectionate manner, especially if it is addressed to a member of the same community, usually religious. For example, "Fraternally I take my leave", "Fraternally, José Pérez".