What does «esbozo» mean in Spanish?
- Action and effect of outlining.
- Sketch, sketch. Provisional design of a work, usually artistic, which contains only the essential elements, without details.
Examples of use in Spanish: "trazó el esbozo de un retrato".
"dibujó varios esbozos antes de hacer el cuadro definitivo".
- The general outline of a plan, project or idea, which needs further development and extension.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el nuevo presidente de la compañía hizo un esbozo de los planes futuros para la misma".
- Subtle gesture.
Examples of use in Spanish: "esbozó una sonrisa".
"el esbozo de un brindis".
"emitió un esbozo de bostezo".
- Embryonic tissue, organ or apparatus that has not yet acquired its definitive form and structure.
- Article too short or unfinished; article that does not provide all the necessary information.