What does «encasquetar» mean in Spanish?
- Fitting or fitting the hat, cap, etc., properly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se encasquetó su sombrero y salió raudo de su casa".
"la madre le encasquetó al niño el sombrero de lana".
- To put in the head.
Examples of use in Spanish: "encasquetar a uno una idea".
- To make to endure something annoying.
Examples of use in Spanish: "nos encasquetó un discurso muy largo".
- To charge someone with an annoying thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "le encasquetó la molesta tarea".
- To persuade, to convince someone of an idea, especially without due foundation.
Examples of use in Spanish: "al final me encasquetó su teoría".
- To strike, to hit.
Examples of use in Spanish: "te voy a encasquetar una bofetada como sigas molestando".
"le encasquetó un chirlo".
- To get an idea into one's head, to commit oneself to something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se le encasquetó la idea de ir a América".
"se encasquetaron con irse de vacaciones a ese lugar tan peligroso y así les fue".
- To fit in, to crawl in.
♦ Used in: Spain