What does «eflujo» mean in Spanish?
- Effluxion: exhalation of vital spirits or vapors from certain bodies. Sometimes used poetically, for example, "the efflux of the soul".
- Everything that was contained in a system and comes out of it.
- Course or movement of wind or water.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El viento, como halla resistencia de otro viento o de algún monte o de otra cosa semejante que resista su libre efluxo y corrimiento, no puede passar adelante, por tanto haze aquel remolino". (Medina, Arte de navegar, 1545, fol. 19r).
"Juan Poleni, fue de los primeros en descubrir empíricamente las leyes del eflujo de las aguas".
- Abortion and its expulsion in the first weeks of pregnancy. Some bibliographies speak only of the first 7 days of pregnancy.
- (bomba de eflujo) Type of antibiotic resistance mechanism. It is a mechanism that decreases the concentration of antibiotics in the cytoplasm due to a kind of ejector pumps of the same, this is a transport mechanism that requires energy expenditure.