What does «despliegue» mean in Spanish?
- Action and effect of unfolding; to unfold or extend what is folded. Action opposite to folding (to fold something).
Examples of use in Spanish: "el despliegue de los mapas antiguos es una tarea difícil, son tan viejos que se rompen al tocarlos".
- To take the folds out of something.
- Demonstration, ostentation, exhibition. To manifest a quality.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el despliegue de su plumaje atrae a la hembra"; "haciendo despliegue de su bondad, regaló comida a los pobres de la calle"; "la obra teatral exhibe un gran despliegue escenográfico".
- Ability of the team or a player to occupy a field of play in various positions.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El increíble despliegue de poder del jugador no evitó una derrota de equipo".
- Exhibition or mobilization of police, usually to prevent or combat crime.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Importante despliegue policial en la periferia oeste de la ciudad resultó en 5 detenidos".
- Open formation of a troop or an organized group of people. The act of moving the different fractions that make up a column from the marching order to the positions they are to occupy in the fighting order. The deployment can be of soldiers, armaments or vehicles.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el despliegue de tropas se hizo rápidamente"; "se ha ordenado el despliegue de todo el armamento militar disponible para combatir".
- Strategic deployment, act of leading the army from the area of concentration to the theater of operations to begin operations.
- Inform. Deployment list. See Deployment list.