What does «desfogar» mean in Spanish?
- To give exit to...; to give exit, literally, to the fire to ventilate.
Examples of use in Spanish: "desfogar el horno".
- To give free rein to or publicly manifest a passion, grief or feeling in a violent or vehement manner.
Examples of use in Spanish: "desfogar la cólera", "desfogar la ira contenida", "desfogar la lujuria".
"¡desfogas tu insatisfacción conmigo! no es justo".
"desfogar la cólera estallando en injurias y recriminaciones".
- Turn off the lime.
- A storm that was brewing broke out.
- (desfogarse) To relieve oneself of some problem. The action expressed by desfogar is more violent than that signified by desahogar.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se desfogó con su familia al llegar a su casa".
"¡deja descargarme ahora!, tengo muchas cosas guardadas en mi pecho para decir".
- (desfogar una vela) The sheet should be lowered or its throat cut so that the wind that propels it escapes and the violent effort it exerts ceases, perhaps with the risk of capsizing or other damage.