What does «continencia» mean in Spanish?
- Action of containing (enclosing, limiting).
Examples of use in Spanish: "la continencia del río por parte de la presa".
- In Religion, virtue that moderates and restrains the passions, desires and affections of the spirit.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la virtud de la continencia cristiana".
- Abstinence from carnal delights (sexual pleasures).
Examples of use in Spanish: "continencia sexual".
"se puede definir continencia como la abstinencia de incluso las gratificaciones lícitas del matrimonio".
- In physiology, normal voluntary control or retention of feces or urine, as opposed to incontinence.
Examples of use in Spanish: "continencia fecal"; "continencia urinaria".
- Species of gracious courtesy or reverence in the art of ancient Spanish dance.
- (continencia de la causa) In law, there must be unity in every trial, being one the main action, one the judge, and one the persons who follow it until the sentence.