What does «consumación» mean in Spanish?
- Perpetration.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la consumación de un crimen / delito".
"El partícipe colabora a la consumación del delito, pero no está en condiciones de decidir sobre ella".
- End, complete completion of something, process that is complete. Examples of use "the consummation of the centuries". "the consummation of Mexican independence took place on September 27, 1821".
- Execution of the infraction in all its elements, both for the meeting of its preconditions and for the fulfillment of its constituent elements and for the production of its result (Source).
- (consumación matrimonial) First sexual act within marriage.
- (la consumación de los siglos) The end of the world.
Examples of use in Spanish: "unas palabras de Jesús me confortan mucho: «Estoy con vosotros hasta la consumación de los siglos»".