What does «considerar» mean in Spanish?
- To think, to reflect carefully on something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "debo considerar el asunto desde múltiples puntos de vista".
- To judge, to examine.
Examples of use in Spanish: "considerar las ventajas y los inconvenientes".
- To take into account or devote attention to something or someone.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el jurado consideró los argumentos de la defensa".
- Believing or thinking that someone or something is as it is expressed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "lo considero fácil".
"debemos considerar prioritarias estas reformas económicas".
- Treating a person with respect or appreciation, having a high regard for that person.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la consideran una gran líder".
- (considerarse) Thinking, believing.