What does «congruente» mean in Spanish?
- Having congruence: coherent, consistent, accordant, convenient or opportune.
Examples of use in Spanish: "lo que dices no es congruente".
"sus palabras no son congruentes con sus actos".
"las políticas de este gobierno son congruentes con su ideología, no podíamos esperar menos que esto".
- Describes the quantity (a) that divided by another (b) gives a given remainder or modulus (m). Symbolically: a ≡ b (mod M), which is expressed by saying that a is congruent to b modulo m.
Examples of use in Spanish: "números congruentes".
- Said of figures that have the same shape and size, although their position or orientation is different. Two figures are congruent if it is possible to flip or rotate them and make them fit exactly into each other.
- (ángulos congruentes) They are those angles that have the same measure. Angles opposite at the vertex are an example of congruent angles.
Examples of use in Spanish: "las diagonales de un paralelogramo configuran ángulos opuestos por el vértice congruente".