What does «concomitancia» mean in Spanish?
- Simultaneity, relationship between actions cooperating to the same effect; coincidence of several things acting for the same effect. This coincidence may be deliberate or coincidental.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en concomitancia con la debilidad estructural y los años transcurridos, el exceso de peso provocó el derrumbe".
"La concomitancia entre un régimen democrático vibrante y una sociedad virtuosa es un hecho bien establecido".
"el saldo desastroso de la crisis política del bipartidismo en concomitancia con una economía frágil".
- Concordance, relationship, coincidence of many accessory things with the main thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se trata de un paciente con problemas respiratorios y renales, en concomitancia con su infección de VIH/sida".
- In the Catholic Church, the idea that the body of Christ is present in both the bread and the wine during the Eucharist.