What does «cocotero» mean in Spanish?
- Tropical tree belonging to the palm family (palms). The Cocos nucijera can reach a height of 25 m. Its trunk, which is often slightly inclined, is crowned with large pinnate leaves about 4.5 m long. It is native to tropical America and is found in almost all tropical regions, especially between 15° N latitude and 12° S latitude. Although it prefers sandy coasts, it is often found at 600 m altitude. It can withstand large tropical storms and is little affected by excessive rainfall or drought. At five years of age it produces flowers in clusters and fruits two or three times a year. In certain marine areas the water facilitates the propagation of the species by carrying the coconuts from one island to another. Even after being completely wet, the coconuts germinate easily. - Applications and Uses of the Coconut Tree: It is one of the most important plants for man, since almost all of its parts find some notable application. Its practical importance in the lives of millions of natives of India, Malaya and Polynesia, explains the role played by the coconut tree in primitive rites. The coconuts... To continue reading