7 sentences with 'crowned'

Example sentences and phrases with the word crowned and other words derived from it.

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« In 1804, when Napoleon's forces broke through the French borders, he crowned himself (the first) Emperor of France. »
« While visiting Italy (which was now part of his empire), Charlemagne was crowned and declared Emperor of Rome, a title no one had held since the Western Empire fell in 476. »
« A different line, not directly descended from the Carolingians, eventually came to power in eastern France. Their king, Otto I, was crowned emperor in 962 by the Pope, thus cementing the idea of the Holy Roman Empire even after Charlemagne's bloodline no longer ruled it. »
« The Holy Roman Empire dates back to 800 CE, when the Frankish king Charlemagne was crowned "Holy Roman Emperor" by the Pope. The purpose of the title was to pass on to Charlemagne, and the vast territory he had conquered in 800 CE, the historical legacy of the Roman Empire. »
« In 800, Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope, Leo III. Although Charlemagne's biographers claimed that this came as a surprise to Charlemagne, it was quite the opposite; Charlemagne completely dominated Leo III and sought to use the prestige of the imperial title to cement his power. »
« Carved from dark wood, the figures of La Moreneta are dressed and crowned with gold and precious stones, and are kept inside a protective glass, except for the Virgin's right hand, which holds an orb. As she passes, the Catalans caress the orb, touch their lips with their fingers and mumble a short prayer. »
« When the new tsar, Nikolai I, was crowned in December 1825, the officers staged a rebellion in the square in front of the royal palace in St. Petersburg, hoping that the army as a whole would side with them and force the tsar to accept the reforms. Instead, after a tense day of waiting, troops loyal to the tsar opened fire and crushed the uprising. »

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