What does «chafalote» mean in Spanish?

  • A white weapon similar to a saber with a very long point and ordinarily a bent tip.
  • Species of coarse machete.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Y a este tiempo de ver dicho tumulto, se apeó el dicho Don Juan de dicho tablado, con dicho chafalote en la mano, y esperó haciendo frente a dicho tumulto", Lettre à Madame sur ... - Página 54, Charles-Marie de La Condamine - 1746

  • Poorly finished work.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina
  • Vulgar way of calling the penis.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico - Uruguay
  • South American fish with the scientific name Rhaphiodon vulpinus. Also known as dogfish, ghost fish, machete or pirá yagua. They can reach 100 cm in length, but weigh no more than 3 or 4 kg. It can be found in the basins of the Amazon, Orinoco and Rio de la Plata rivers, and rivers of Guyana. It is not used for consumption because it contains a large amount of spines.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "el chafalote es un pez sumamente interesante para la pesca deportiva".

    "Pocas especies de nuestros ríos tienen una boca tan amedrentadora como la del chafalote. Los guaraníes lo llamaron "pirá yaguá", pez perro", 100 Peces Argentinos - Página 44, Gustavo Aparicio, ‎Hernán Laita - 2005

  • Name given to the Apache Indians in the San Simon area of New Mexico.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Los apaches de esa zona son llamados “chafalotes” o “chafarotes”, por su líder Chafalote", El precio de la libertad - Página 56, Emili Biosca Villarroya - 2019

  • Vulgar, vulgar, coarse, rude, boorish, uneducated.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina
  • Dirty, unwashed.

    ♦ Used in: Panama
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