What does «berengo» mean in Spanish?
- It is thus said of a clumsy person; silly, simple, candid, foolish.
♦ Used in: Honduras - Mexico - Salvador
Examples of use in Spanish: "A cada paso eran los regaños tratándome de sandio, berengo, imbécil", Inclán, II, 120
"Por qué serás tan berengo , Huble ? ¡ Tan simple de la cabeza !", Solimán y otros relatos - Página 58, Francisco González Pineda - 1961
- (berengo que compra libros, es burrito que los carga) Proverb indicates that books do not benefit those who, being a fool (berengo), buy them, they only serve him to carry them with him or to keep them, since he does not obtain any benefit from them. In this case, his pleasure consists only in carrying them like a donkey.