What does «banda» mean in Spanish?
- Sash or list.
- Distinctive ribbon of certain orders.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la banda de Carlos III".
- Side.
Examples of use in Spanish: "por esta banda".
- Billiard table railing.
- Humeral, liturgical cloth.
- Group of people or animals.
- In soccer, the line that delimits the field.
Examples of use in Spanish: "saque de banda".
- A set of frequencies between two limits.
Examples of use in Spanish: "banda reservada a la televisión".
- Ribbon that crosses the shield from corner to corner.
- Side of the ship.
- Ensemble of military or civilian musicians.
- Sash, girdle.
- (banda sonora) Part of the film in which the sound is recorded.
- (cerrarse en -o a la- banda) Clinging to an idea.
- (quedar en banda) Being in a difficult and uncomfortable position.