What does «avenamiento» mean in Spanish?
- Action and effect of avenar: to drain, to let dead water flow.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el avenamiento del agua dejó al descubierto varios cadáveres".
"hay varios proyectos de transformación en regadío o de avenamiento de terreno".
- Drainage, sewerage, drainage.
- Technique that gives exit to dead water or excessive humidity in a land. Ditches and pipes are used.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se necesita el avenamiento o drenaje del terreno".
- Outflow of fluids from an organ of the body.
Examples of use in Spanish: "le perforó el pulmón, herida que le produjo hemoneumotorax con avenamiento pleural".
- (sistema de avenamiento) Part of an irrigation system designed to remove excessive moisture from the soil.
- (avenamiento subterráneo) Also called an underdrain, it is a pipe that was placed in a trench that has been plugged.
- (tubo de avenamiento) Pipe buried at a certain depth that allows the flow of dead or stagnant water.