What does «arbóreo» mean in Spanish?
- Relating to the tree.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tallo arbóreo".
"el patrimonio arbóreo de la reserva natural es gigantesco".
- Similar to a tree.
Examples of use in Spanish: "arbusto arbóreo".
"silueta arbórea".
"estructura arbórea jerárquica".
- Arboricultural.
- (dosel arbóreo) Habitat comprising the canopy zone and upper regions of trees in a forest.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el dosel arbóreo alberga una flora y una fauna única y especializada que no se encuentra en otras capas de un bosque".
"el dosel arbóreo oficia de escudo protector para muchos animales".
- (malva arbórea) Malvaceous garden plant with a straight stem and large red, white or pink flowers that form a spike at the top of the stem.
- (hiedra arbórea) Ivy.
- (helecho arbóreo) Giant fern up to 9 m high, capable of developing a trunk. Scientific name: Cyathea arborea.
- (bisbita arbóreo) Small bird, 15 cm long, brownish and very striated dorsal plumage.
- (canguro arbóreo) Type of tree-dwelling kangaroo. Scientific name: Dendrolagus Matschiei.