What does «aplomo» mean in Spanish?
- Serenity, security, balance, audacity with which a person acts or expresses himself.
Examples of use in Spanish: "perder el aplomo".
"es un hombre de mucho aplomo".
"respondió esa provocaciones con gran aplomo".
- Verticality; upright posture of something.
- Line perpendicular to the horizon.
- Perpendicular lines that determine the right direction that the limbs of well-built horses should have.
Examples of use in Spanish: "aplomos del caballo".
"defectos de aplomos en caballos".
- In the figure of a man, an imaginary vertical line passing through the middle of the belly and dividing in equal parts the horizontal line drawn on the plane of the soles of the feet.
- Plumb line; instrument used to mark the vertical line.