What does «adjudicar» mean in Spanish?
- To declare that a thing belongs to someone, or to give it to him by some right.
Examples of use in Spanish: "adjudicaron las viviendas a los necesitados".
- In law, to make an adjudication, a way of acquiring ownership of property that has belonged to a community or of property that has failed to be auctioned in an enforceable judgment.
- (adjudicarse) To appropriate or attribute something to oneself.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se adjudica toda la responsabilidad del triunfo, no valora al equipo que tiene detrás".
"se adjudicó la mejor parte".
"se adjudica éxitos ajenos".
- (adjudicarse) In sports, to obtain the triumph or prize in a competition; to overcome, to win.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los chilenos se adjudicaron el triunfo de la carrera".