6 sentences with 'influx'

Example sentences and phrases with the word influx and other words derived from it.

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« The influx of immigrant labourers swelled and diversified an already crowded urban population. »
« Town landlords took advantage of the influx of workers and their families by building cheap housing in which several families often lived in one room. »
« Europe also engaged significantly with its neighbouring regions, leading to both an influx of foreign trade goods and, unfortunately, tremendous bloodshed in the form of the Crusades. »
« While the Great Death may be the most iconic aspect of the Columbian Exchange, Potosí is probably the greatest symbol of the enormous influx of mineral wealth that flooded Spanish coffers for more than a century, as well as the site of the greatest human misery caused by this lust for bullion. »
« The Société Monégasque de Tourisme Submarine, which is in charge of the commercial operation of the submarine, expects an influx of approximately 80,000 passengers per year. The objective seems ambitious, but the evolution of the world market for tourist submarines seems to justify the most optimistic estimates. »
« The causes of the wars are believed to be the sudden influx of European settlers to New Zealand (far more arrived than the Maoris anticipated), and the struggle for control of the land that followed. Also, many chiefs felt that the British were not holding up their end of the bargain with the Treaty of Waitangi. »

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