6 sentences with 'inflicted'

Example sentences and phrases with the word inflicted and other words derived from it.

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« Moreover, according to the coroner, Wanda's wounds had not been inflicted with those scissors. »
« In addition to the British Royal Air Force, the British had numerous anti-aircraft gun batteries that inflicted significant losses on the Luftwaffe. »
« The royalists were not defeated until the summer, and after that defeat the revolutionary army inflicted a form of revenge on the region's population that verged on genocide. »
« For surviving soldiers around the world, the psychological damage of years of carnage and despair left wounds as crippling as those inflicted by poison gas and artillery attacks. »
« Thales of Miletus explained earthquakes not as punishments arbitrarily inflicted by the gods on mankind, but as the result of the earth floating in a gigantic ocean that occasionally splashed against it. »
« From Los Corrales, the British general Whitelocke ordered the attack on the city on 5 July 1807, after unsuccessfully demanding its surrender. The neighbourhood defended itself magnificently and inflicted enormous losses on the attackers, who finally had to surrender on the 7th. »

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