6 sentences with 'governing'

Example sentences and phrases with the word governing and other words derived from it.

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« The eastern caudillo Artigas demanded that the governing Directory declare war on the Portuguese. »
« To serve on the governing council of a small town or village required an annual income of 100,000 sesterces. »
« The Abbasids' success in governing a huge and diverse empire was due in part to their willingness to follow Persian traditions of governance (a model that would later be replicated by Turkish and Mongol rulers). »
« His fundamental discoveries, which have contributed to our understanding of the origin of the universe, the laws governing its existence and the ultimate fate of everyone and everything, have made Hawking arguably the most important physicist of our time. »
« Moreover, the parties in the Duma (Russian representative assembly) had no experience in actually governing, and quickly descended into infighting and petty squabbling, leaving most of the real decisions where they had always been: with the tsar himself and his circle of aristocratic advisors. »
« At the time, at the helm of the Foreign Ministry, but turning a blind eye, was German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Like former Chancellor Willy Brandt, Genscher was firmly convinced that Germany's unique destiny placed it on the margins of the rules governing the East-West struggle and that his country should therefore serve as a bridge between the two blocs. »

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