8 sentences with 'governors'

Example sentences and phrases with the word governors and other words derived from it.

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« Regional governors were dismissed if they were so harsh or intolerant that their subjects rose up in rebellion. »
« After the "discovery" of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492, recalcitrant nobles were often sent as governors of islands thousands of miles away. »
« This system would continue throughout the rest of the Republican and Imperial periods of Roman history, with governors exercising enormous power and influence in their respective provinces. »
« Sassanid centralisation was based on the (much older) Achaemenid tradition. All rulers were members of the Sassanid family line, and governors of important provinces were also related to the extended family. »
« Diocletian also divided the Empire into smaller provinces to make administration easier for governors. These provinces were grouped into larger units called dioceses overseen by an official called a "vicar". »
« Richelieu suppressed several revolts against royal power led by nobles, and created a system of royal officials called Intendants, royal governors who were men who were not normally nobles, but who came from the merchant classes. »
« Sargon appointed governors in his conquered cities, and his entire empire was designed to extract wealth from all his cities and farmlands and pump it back to the capital of Akkad, which he built somewhere near present-day Baghdad. »
« Justinian's successors tried to hold on to North Africa, Italy and Spain by establishing territories called "exarchates" ruled by governors known as "exarchs"; exarchates were military provinces in which civil and military control were combined. »

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