11 sentences with 'vowed'

Example sentences and phrases with the word vowed and other words derived from it.

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« The athlete vowed to win every race this season. »
« They vowed to rebuild the destroyed bridge after the storm. »
« She vowed to repay her friend's kindness with endless support. »
« The warrior vowed to protect his kingdom from invading enemies. »
« He vowed to pursue his dream despite all challenging obstacles. »
« The mother said a silent prayer for courage and strength. Then she vowed that justice would be done. »
« They were defeated by loyalist forces in 1653, but the uprisings made a deep impression on the young king, who vowed to bring the nobles into line. »
« John C. Calhoun called the whole affair a "corrupt racket". Jackson's supporters everywhere vowed revenge for the anti-majoritarian outcome of 1824. »
« In Boston, Thomas Hutchinson, now royal governor of Massachusetts, vowed that radicals like Samuel Adams would not prevent the ships from unloading their cargo. »
« Germany, believing that its own military and industrial resources were such that it would be the victor in a war against France and Russia, vowed to stand by Austria no matter what. »
« When the Greek cities of Ionia rose up against Persian rule, Darius I vowed to make an example not only of them, but of the Greek polis that had helped them, including Athens. This led to the Persian War, one of the most famous conflicts in ancient history. »

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