21 sentences with 'polis'

Example sentences and phrases with the word polis and other words derived from it.

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« The artist captured the vibrant spirit of the polis in her mural. »
« The historian explored the ancient polis during his summer expedition. »
« The architect restored the dilapidated polis with innovative urban design. »
« The tour guide revealed hidden myths surrounding the legendary polis site. »
« The mayor revitalized the central polis by constructing new community parks. »
« In 499 BC several Ionian Greek polis rose up against the Persians and enlisted the help of Athens. »
« Of these, the most important was the creation of the polis: a political unit centred on a city and including the surrounding lands. »
« The Etruscans were active trading partners with the Greek polis to the south, and Rome became a key link along the Etruscan-Greek trade route. »
« This was the time when the Greek polis was at its most powerful economically and militarily and at its most innovative and productive artistically and intellectually. »
« The island of Sicily was one of the oldest and most important areas for Greek colonisation. War broke out there between the two most powerful polis, Syracuse and Messina. »
« The Greek polis were understandably concerned by these developments. Under Athens' leadership, they organised themselves into a defensive league to resist Macedonian aggression. »
« There, Philip and the king of the Seleucid empire (called Antiochus III) had agreed to divide the eastern Mediterranean, assuming that they could defeat and control the entire Greek polis. »
« They only grudgingly accepted the Macedonians as fellow Greeks and celebrated the independence of the Greek polis as one of the defining characteristics of Greek civilisation for centuries. »
« Athens was the richest and most influential of all the Greek polis during this period, although its power declined once it became embroiled in the Peloponnesian War against Sparta from 431 BCE. »
« The English word "polis" derives from "polis" - the polis was the centre of Greek politics in every city-state, and Greek innovations in the field of political theory would have an enormous historical legacy. »
« The Macedonians lived in villages rather than polis and, while they were recognised as Greeks because of their language and culture, they were also regarded as somewhat parochial by the more 'civilised' Greeks to the south. »
« From the Greek polis of the Archaic and later Classical Ages, the notion of legal citizenship and equality, the practice of voting laws, and a particular concept of political pride now called patriotism, all took shape for the first time. »
« When the Greek cities of Ionia rose up against Persian rule, Darius I vowed to make an example not only of them, but of the Greek polis that had helped them, including Athens. This led to the Persian War, one of the most famous conflicts in ancient history. »
« Cyrus II quickly defeated the Greek polis, but instead of punishing the Greeks for opposing him, he allowed them to retain their language, religion and culture, simply insisting that they give him loyal warriors and offer him tribute. He found Greek leaders willing to work with the Persians and made them governors of the colonies. »
« The irony was not only that Athens reached its peak during the period of the Delian League and the wealth it extracted from other polis, but that Athenian democracy itself was at its peak: even as it was carving out an empire over the other city-states, Athens was becoming the first great experiment in democratic government in the history of the world. »
« Propolis (from the Greek pro: forward; polis: city) is found in greater quantities at the entrance to the hive, precisely to prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the bees' "city" - hence its name. It also serves as a supporting "cement" in the construction of the honeycomb, prevents water from seeping in, and with it these insects mould the alveoli where they lay their eggs. »

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