11 sentences with 'literacy'

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« What better way to teach literacy, history and research methods? »
« Thus Muslims, whose literacy was due to the study of specifically Islamic texts, especially the Qur'an and Hadith, readily used the same skills in trade. »
« Moreover, while medieval education and literacy was almost entirely confined to the Church as an institution, many rural priests were at best semi-literate. »
« The printing press greatly increased the speed at which information could be shared and, in turn, led to an increase in literacy in the early modern period. »
« The overall result was a higher literacy rate than anywhere else in the world at the time, with concomitant advantages in technological progress and commercial prosperity. »
« Once the Western Empire collapsed, the church was the only institution that still supported schooling (including basic literacy), but over time literacy and education levels in Europe declined unquestionably. »
« One social phenomenon that definitely benefited from the Protestant and Catholic reforms was literacy. More schools and universities, both church-supported and private, continued to spring up throughout the sixteenth century. »
« Gutenberg's printed illustration became a crucial element in the dissemination of information because literacy rates were still low in general; however, even when people could not read, they could still look at illustrated pamphlets and posters. »
« In addition, the Abbasid Caliphate witnessed a significant increase in literacy. Not only were Muslims (men and women alike) encouraged to memorise the Qur'an itself, but scholars and merchants were often interchangeable; unlike medieval Christianity, Islam did not reject trade as somehow morally tainted. »
« While it is impossible to calculate anything approaching exact literacy rates at any time before the modern era, it remains clear that literacy began to rise after that low point in the 11th century, with many regular tradesmen and even some peasants acquiring at least basic reading skills by the 14th century. »
« A symptom of the growth of intellectual life in the early Middle Ages was the fact that literacy (which, at that time, meant the ability to read, not necessarily to write) finally revived, at least somewhat, after the real low point of literacy that had lasted from the collapse of the Western Roman Empire until about 1050. »

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