24 sentences with 'literature'
Example sentences and phrases with the word literature and other words derived from it.
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• « As a lover of literature, I enjoy the pleasure of immersing myself in imaginary worlds through reading. »
• « Children's literature is an important genre that can help children develop their imagination and reading skills. »
• « Horror literature is a genre that allows us to explore our deepest fears and reflect on the nature of evil and violence. »
• « The tormented writer, with his pen and his bottle of absinthe, was creating a masterpiece that would change literature forever. »
• « Fantasy literature takes us to imaginary universes where anything is possible, stimulating our creativity and our ability to dream. »
• « Classical literature is a treasure of human culture that offers us a glimpse into the mind and heart of the great thinkers and writers in history. »
• « Along with these factors, the Romans brought Greek and Roman science, learning and literature. »
• « Along with literature, the other great written achievements of the Mesopotamians were their systems of law. »
• « Although originally used only for record-keeping, writing soon evolved into the creation of true forms of literature. »
• « The Hittites did not seek to impose their own customs on others, but gathered the literature, histories and beliefs of their subjects. »
• « "That's my way of saying that literature has enormous value. If by some quirk of fate someone is richly rewarded for what they write, the only sensible thing to do is to sow those earnings in the same field." »
• « Back in the early 1960s, when I was a professor of literature (especially classical, Latin and Greek), philosophy and history (Truth, Goodness and Beauty), at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, she always raised her hand. »
• « For example, despite the fact that Muslims and Jews worshipped the same God and shared much of the same sacred literature, medieval Europeans had no qualms about invading Muslim lands and committing horrible atrocities in the name of their religion. »
• « A fairly diverse body of literature survived in the form of writings on papyrus, the form of paper made from Nile reeds monopolised by Egypt for centuries, suggesting that trade was extensive, Egyptian religion celebrated the spiritual importance of the common people, and justice and fairness were considered important ethical imperatives. »
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