7 sentences with 'facts'

Example sentences and phrases with the word facts and other words derived from it.

« It is well known that when certain facts are passed on, they undergo transformations, additions and deformations. The almost supernatural status of the inhabitants of the elusive lost continent of Atlantis is the result of these circumstances, but their memory continues in almost all legends, myths and even in writings. »
« One can look for analogies ad infinitum, but there are facts that cannot be explained by conventional medicine. »
« Optimists may think they are worth more than the facts indicate...and sometimes, that's what keeps them alive. »
« From their remains it is possible to gather certain facts about ancient societies on the cusp of civilisation. »
« It was the Greeks who devised history in the same sense in which the term is used today, i.e. a story (a narrative) based on historical facts that tries to explain what happened and why it happened the way it did. »
« In other words, history as written by the Greeks does not merely list facts, but explains the human motivations at work in historical events and phenomena. »
« While interpretations of the collapse of the Roman Empire will continue to differ as long as there are people interested in Roman history, there is no doubt about the basic facts: half of what was once a huge, coherent and surprisingly stable state splintered into political fragments by the end of the fifth century. »
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