6 sentences with 'disagreed'

Example sentences and phrases with the word disagreed and other words derived from it.

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« Mariano Moreno resigned because he disagreed with the decision. »
« The men who became the most famous Greek philosophers of all time strongly disagreed with this view. »
« Some disciples disagreed with the role Freud attributed to instinctive behaviour, which gave rise to the heterodoxies led by figures of the stature of Carl Jung, Otto Rank and Alfred Adler. »
« Nowhere was there the slightest notion of "religious toleration" in the modern sense - both sides were convinced that any and all who disagreed with their spiritual views were doomed to an eternity of suffering in hell. »
« On the other hand, the bitterness between the political groups deepened over time, to the extent that the supporters of the federalist Rosas called his cause "Santa Federación", while all those who disagreed with him were called "unitary savages". »
« Historians have rehabilitated much of the rule of Tiberius and (to a lesser extent) Nero in particular, arguing that although they disagreed with the Senate on several occasions and probably unfairly prosecuted at least some senators, they also did a decent job of running the empire. »

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