4 sentences with 'disagreement'

Example sentences and phrases with the word disagreement and other words derived from it.

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« So it is a sin of heresy (heresy means in disagreement with dogma) to doubt the existence of diabolical power. »
« As the Ford children grew up, in the decade from 1870 to 1879, there was little disagreement as to the possible fate of the eldest son. »
« This new situation provoked irritation and disagreement in the Indian populations, where the majority of Creoles and many metropolitan residents began to agree in their opposition to the decisions taken by the Madrid government. »
« Important and favourable events during his government were the capture of Montevideo and the formation of the Argentine naval fleet. On the other hand, the disagreement that began to grow between the government in Buenos Aires and that of the easterners, represented by Artigas, had a negative character. »

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