6 sentences with 'outrage'

Example sentences and phrases with the word outrage and other words derived from it.

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« Some settlers reacted to the incident with outrage. »
« Kennedy met the storm of outrage that ensued with an insolence that backfired on him. »
« Public outrage prompted Officer Victor Treviño to assign a squad to pursue parole abusers in the East Houston district. »
« When the news of the British occupation of the islands reached Buenos Aires, Governor Balcarce complained to the London government about the outrage, but no satisfaction was forthcoming. »
« That year, however, the Spanish had ceded Louisiana (and New Orleans) to France. In 1802, the United States lost its right to deposit goods free of charge in the port, which provoked outrage among many, some of whom called for war with France. »
« The war got its name from an incident in 1731 in which a Spanish Coast Guard captain cut off the ear of British Captain Robert Jenkins as punishment for raiding Spanish ships in Panama. Jenkins fuelled the growing animosity between Britain and Spain by showing his ear to Parliament and provoking British public outrage. »

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