6 sentences with 'outraged'

Example sentences and phrases with the word outraged and other words derived from it.

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« They were outraged that he forced the contras to negotiate with arms dealers who profited at the expense of the rebels. »
« Dondré was amazed at the reaction of his friends... and the people of Louisiana. The entire state was outraged by such an act of discrimination and tried to set the record straight. »
« Luther was outraged by the crassness of the sale of indulgences (it was as bad as the act of a carnival barker in nearby Wittenberg) and by the fact that this new indulgence promised to absolve the purchaser of all sins, all at once. »
« We in the village were outraged by the journalistic farce. Newsweek magazine proclaimed that this murderer was about to "hang because of a legal formality", and referred to Grundy as a people unjustly and hastily condemning an innocent man. »
« However, outraged by the fact that the United States had annexed Texas, the Mexican government refused to discuss the issue of selling land to the United States. In fact, Mexico even refused to receive Polk's emissary, John Slidell, who had been sent to Mexico City to negotiate. »
« The news of the attempted bribe, known as the XYZ affair because the French emissaries were named X, Y and Z in the letters President Adams sent to Congress, outraged American public opinion and turned it decisively against France. In the court of public opinion, the Federalists appeared to be right in their interpretation of France, while the pro-French Democratic-Republicans had been misled. »

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