What does «yunga» mean in Spanish?
- Inhabitant or related to the warm valleys on either side of the Andes.
- Ancient language also called Mochica, from the north and center of the Peruvian coast.
- (yungas) Warm valleys on both sides of the Andes. It is a global ecoregion that goes from the north of Peru, crosses Bolivia and reaches the north of Argentina. It abounds in mountain, cloud, rainy (1000 and 3000 mm annual) and tropical forests. It is divided into three regions: - Peruvian Yungas: between the Amazon Rainforest and the Peruvian Andes.
- (yungas) Brilliant pre-Hispanic civilization that, from the 5th century to the year 1450, when the Inca conquest began, flourished along the coast of Peru, from Lima to Guayaquil. Also called Chimú.