What does «turbar» mean in Spanish?
- To alter or move the natural state or course of a thing; disturb.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la sorpresiva huelga turbó el movimiento habitual de la ciudad".
"nada turbó la marcha de las negociaciones".
- To cloud.
Examples of use in Spanish: "turbarse el agua".
- To surprise or stun one, so that he/she is unable to speak or to continue what he/she was doing; to confuse.
Examples of use in Spanish: "turbado por la sorpresiva presencia de su amada, no supo qué hacer ni decir".
"visiblemente turbado".
- To interrupt, violently or annoyingly, stillness.
Examples of use in Spanish: "las bombas turbaron la paz de la ciudad".
"un fuerte ruido turbó su descanso".
- (turbarse) Not knowing what to say or do; being confused or embarrassed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "debe aprender a no turbarse al hablar en público".
"la turbó la mirada del hombre que ella amaba en silencio".