What does «monomanía» mean in Spanish?
- Mental disorder in which a single idea seems to absorb all the intellectual faculties. It was a type of paranoia in which the patient can only think of one idea or type of ideas. Emotional monomania was in which the patient is obsessed by one emotion or several related to it; while intellectual monomania was that related to one type of delusional idea. Monomania was present in 19th century psychology, but its importance as a psychiatric diagnostic category began to decline in the middle of that century.
- Exaggerated passion for a subject generally viewed by the general public as extravagant, although it is not necessarily a mental disorder.
Examples of use in Spanish: "En la novela Crimen y castigo del ruso Fiódor Dostoyevski, el personaje principal, Raskolnikov, es considerado un monomaníaco en muchas ocasiones".
"Don Quijote, de Miguel de Cervantes, puede ser considerados monomaníaco".
"Múltiples cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe tienen personajes monomaniacos".
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