What does «mm» mean in Spanish?

  • (mm) Abbreviation for millimeter.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "tiene un ancho de 20 mm".

  • (Mm) Symbol for megameter, a unit of length equal to one million meters.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "1 Mm equivale a 1 000 000 m".

  • (mM) Millimolar, unit of concentration of a solution.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "es útil recordar que los términos milimolar (mM) y micromolar (μM) se refieren a 10^(-3) mol/L y 10^(-6) mol/L, respectivamente".

  • (MM) Two thousand in Roman numerals.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Año: MM".

  • (.mm) Internet domain of Myanmar country.
  • (mm) ISO 3166-1 country code for Myanmar.
  • (mm) Mommes, unit that measures the density of silk.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "El peso de la seda se mide tanto en gramos como en mommes: 28 gramos equivalen a 8 mm (mommes)".
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