What does «mimar» mean in Spanish?
- Treating someone with great affection, flattery or gentleness, especially using caresses, hugs or kisses.
Examples of use in Spanish: "mi novia me mima mucho, está encima mío todo el día".
"debes mimar más a tu pareja, ella me ha dicho que no se siente querida".
"al gato le gusta que lo mimen mucho".
- Treating someone with too much indulgence or great condescension; especially the child who is not punished or corrected and is satisfied in everything he or she wants.
Examples of use in Spanish: "creo que al niño lo miman demasiado, les saldrá malcriado".
"el padre, que está separado de la madre, lo mima en exceso para ganarse el afecto del niño".
- To treat something with care and delicacy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "debes mimar ese aparato al usarlo ¡es muy delicado!".
- To represent or express something using gestures and gestures (as a mime).