What does «mezquino» mean in Spanish?
- Greedy, stingy, miserly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un hombre muy mezquino al que no se le puede pedir nada".
- Lacking in nobility, magnanimity and generosity; despicable.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tuvo un comportamiento mezquino cuando se lo necesitó".
- Scarce, small, diminutive, meager.
Examples of use in Spanish: "dio una mezquina propina".
- Poor, needy.
- Unhappy, sad, unhappy.
- In ancient times, a serf of the glebe of Spanish origin.
- Painful wart on the skin.
♦ Used in: Colombia - Guatemala - Honduras - Mexico - Nicaragua - Salvador - Painfully raised bits of skin at the nail beds, usually associated with cold.
♦ Used in: Colombia