What does «lúgubre» mean in Spanish?
- Dark, gloomy or somber, related to death; very sad, funereal, melancholy, gloomy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "aspecto lúgubre"; "espectáculo lúgubre".
"el ambiente lúgubre del cementerio".
"usó un tono lúgubre para anunciar la triste noticia".
- (la ciencia lúgubre) A derogatory alternative name for economics coined by the Victorian historian Thomas Carlyle in the 19th century. The term contrasted with the then-familiar use of the phrase "gay science" to refer to song and verse writing. The phrase "dismal science" first appeared in Thomas Carlyle's 1849 treatise Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question, in which he advocated the reintroduction of slavery in order to restore productivity in the West Indies.