What does «jabato» mean in Spanish?
- Wild boar breeding.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¿Has comido jabato alguna vez?".
- Brave and daring young man; fighter, audacious, brave.
♦ Used in: Spain
Examples of use in Spanish: "¡es un jabato!".
"se defendió como un jabato".
- Rude, coarse, ill-tempered.
♦ Used in: Cuba
Examples of use in Spanish: "se porta como un jabato".
- (ser o estar como un jabato / hecho un jabato) To be in high spirits, strength or courage.
Examples of use in Spanish: "creía que no lo aguantaría la carrera, pero te has portado como un jabato".
- (El Jabato) Comic book series and name of the hero of this comic who lives his adventures in Roman Hispania.