What does «interdicción» mean in Spanish?
- Prohibition or veto.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se establecerán medidas de interdicción para combatir la pesca ilegal".
- Judicial declaration of incapacity, which disqualifies a person from performing certain acts. Technically called civil interdiction.
Examples of use in Spanish: "interdicción por demencia".
- (interdicción lingüística) Psychological impediment to use certain words because they are considered taboo or vulgar, usually being replaced by more attenuated words (euphemisms). These words produce discomfort due to their social, cultural or existential connotations. The most common taboos have to do with religion, sex, death and physiological functions.
Examples of use in Spanish: "una interdicción lingüística es emplear «hacer popó» en lugar de «defecar»".